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Installing nubuilder from instructions

Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:01 am

Installing nubuilder from instructions

Unread post by jgestiot »

I am just wondering if it is even possible to install nuBuilder from the instructions provided on the download page https://www.nubuilder.net/downloads.php

I have a web server on localhost fully working with apache2, php, mysql and the like...

- Downloading buBuilderPro is works

- Unzipping into a www folder called nuBuilder works

- Creating a MySQL database populated with a few tables works

- Instruction 7 does not make sense: "Using a text editor Configure the config.php file which should be located in the called you created called 'nubuilder'. "
Assuming that the config.php should be located within the nuBuilder folder in which the download was unzipped

- Instruction 8 regarding install link at http://{yourwebserver}/nubuilder/nuinstall.php cannot work as there is no nuinstall.php file

Now looking at the install.txt file that comes with the download:

- Step 1 is no problem (server software installed and configued)

- Step 2 Installing NuBuilder is broken into the following sub-steps:

1) Extract the contents of the nuBuilder zip file into your web root, or any subdirectory in the web root. (no problem)

2) Import the sample site database into MySQL. This will create a database and user named `sample'. (no problem)

- Step 3

nuBuilder has a global configuration file, `config.php' in the `productionnu2' directory. It supports the following configuration variables ... (No problem)

Then the install instructions stop abruptly.

What hope do people have to install this thing?
Posts: 100
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:04 am

Re: Installing nubuilder from instructions

Unread post by shane »


You have somehow downloaded version 2 of nuBuilder and then tried to follow the install instructions for versions 3 of nuBuilder also called nuBuilderPro.

If you download nuBuilderPro from the weblink in your own post and follow those instructions you will be able get up and running.
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Re: Installing nubuilder from instructions

Unread post by admin »
