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hebrew in nuBuilder

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hebrew in nuBuilder

Unread post by APunk »

Hello folks. I finnely found a place to ask.

Is there anyone here that can help me with my problem in displaying hebrew characters in some of the windows in nuBuilder.
For example, some pages are being showed correctly, when link to browser.php, some show as gibrish in nubuilder.php.
I have tried almost anything I can think of..
Changed php.ini
Added value in my.ini

changed in productionnu2\dbfunctions.php the
mysql_query("SET NAMES hebrew");
mysql_query("SET CHARACTER_SET utf8_general_bin");

Tried a lot of other stuff...
Anyone has any suggestions? I gave up :-)
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Re: hebrew in nuBuilder

Unread post by steven »

There are about 3 or 4 things we need to add or change in a future version, to make this work but we'll have this done and checked by the next release, which should be only a couple of weeks away.


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Re: hebrew in nuBuilder

Unread post by steven »


This is a php script which can be used in a nuBuilder procedure to set all the table structures to uft-8.
So that after, you can use it for holding any language (to the best of my knowledge)

Code: Select all

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\
** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
** Run this procedure to change the current database to a desired character set and collation
** Adapted from script found at
**     http://stackoverflow.com/questions/105572/a-script-to-change-all-tables-and-fields-to-the-utf-8-bin-collation-in-mysql
//die("This Procedure is Currently Disabled."); //comment out this die() to allow the procedure to run
** Options
** (Change them!)
$use_intermediate_binary_types = true;
$limit_index_length = true;
** End Options

$target_charset = "utf8";
$target_collate = "utf8_general_ci";
//report options
echo "Destination Character Set: $target_charset<br>\n";
echo "Destination Collation: $target_collate<br>\n";
	echo "Using Intermediate Binary Field Types: YES<br>\n";
	echo "Using Intermediate Binary Field Types: NO<br>\n";
	echo "Limit Index Lengths: YES<br>\n";
	echo "Limit Index Lengths: NO<br>\n";
echo "<br>\n";

//set up list of tables
$tabs = array();
$res = nuRunQuery("SHOW TABLES");
$uibt = $use_intermediate_binary_types;
while (($row = db_fetch_row($res)) != null){
	$tabs[] = $row[0];

//convert tables
foreach ($tabs as $tab){
	echo "Operating on $tab<br>\n";
	$res = nuRunQuery("show index from {$tab}");
	//kill the indicies
	$indicies = array();
	$usedindexnames = array();
	echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dropping Indices ";
	while (($row = db_fetch_array($res)) != null){
		if ($row[2] != "PRIMARY"){
			//place some arbitrary limits on how much of a field is used in an index.
			//this is to prevent an issue that could arise for example if you have an ascii index of some length (~256B?)
			//and are converting to utf8. indicies have a hard limit of 1000B length, and utf8 uses 4B per char.
			//so, ascii 256B converts to utf8 1024B > 1000B *sadface*
			if($limit_index_length && $target_charset=="utf8"){
				$vals = nuRunQuery("select data_type, character_maximum_length from information_schema.columns where table_schema = '{$DBName}' and table_name = '{$tab}' and column_name = '{$row[4]}'");
				$val = db_fetch_row($vals);
				$limitsize = "";
				if($val[0] == "varchar"){
					if($val[1] < 32){
					}else if($val[1] < 128){
						$limitsize = "(32)";
						$limitsize = "(64)";
			//as you can have multiple fields in an index, you need to handle two cases:
			//    1: you haven't encountered the current index name yet (for this table)
			//    2: you previously dropped an index of this name
			//in the case of 1, we need to drop the index and record the fieldname
			//in the case of 2, we need to append the fieldname to the current information about the dropped index
				//append to current entry
				$indicies[$row[2]]["col"] = $indicies[$row[2]]["col"].",".$row[4].$limitsize;
				//drop index and new entry
				$indicies[$row[2]] = array("name" => $row[2], "unique" => !($row[1] == "1"), "col" => $row[4].$limitsize);
				nuRunQuery("ALTER TABLE {$tab} DROP INDEX {$row[2]}");
				$usedindexnames[$row[2]] = true;
				echo "&#91;&#93;";//progress indicator
	echo "<br>\n";
	//convert each field across to the new character set and collation
	$res = nuRunQuery("DESCRIBE {$tab}");
	echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Converting Fields ";
	while (($row = db_fetch_array($res)) != null){
		$name = $row[0];
		$type = $row[1];
		$notnull = $row[2]=='NO';
		$default = $row[4];
		$extra = $row[5];
		$set = false;
		if (preg_match("/^varchar\((\d+)\)$/i", $type, $mat)){
			$size = $mat[1];
				nuRunQuery("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} VARBINARY({$size})");
			$query = "ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} VARCHAR({$size}) CHARACTER SET {$target_charset} COLLATE {$target_collate}";
			$set = true;
			echo "&#91;&#93;";//progress indicator
		}else if (!strcasecmp($type, "CHAR")){
				nuRunQuery("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} BINARY(1)");
			$query = "ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} VARCHAR(1) CHARACTER SET {$target_charset} COLLATE {$target_collate}";
			$set = true;
			echo "&#91;&#93;";//progress indicator
		}else if (!strcasecmp($type, "TINYTEXT")){
				nuRunQuery("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} TINYBLOB");
			$query = "ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} TINYTEXT CHARACTER SET {$target_charset} COLLATE {$target_collate}";
			$set = true;
			echo "&#91;&#93;";//progress indicator
		}else if (!strcasecmp($type, "MEDIUMTEXT")){
				nuRunQuery("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} MEDIUMBLOB");
			$query = "ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} MEDIUMTEXT CHARACTER SET {$target_charset} COLLATE {$target_collate}";
			$set = true;
			echo "&#91;&#93;";//progress indicator
		}else if (!strcasecmp($type, "LONGTEXT")){
				nuRunQuery("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} LONGBLOB");
			$query = "ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET {$target_charset} COLLATE {$target_collate}";
			$set = true;
			echo "&#91;&#93;";//progress indicator
		}else if (!strcasecmp($type, "TEXT")){
				nuRunQuery("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} BLOB");
			$query = "ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} TEXT CHARACTER SET {$target_charset} COLLATE {$target_collate}";
			$set = true;
			echo "&#91;&#93;";//progress indicator
		//if we had one of the specified field types, then we should execute the query
		//(after adding in any column attributes)
				$query.= " NOT NULL";
			if($default != NULL){
				$query.= " DEFAULT '$default'";
			$query.= " $extra";
	echo "<br>\n";
	echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rebuilding Indices ";
	// set up the indicies again
	foreach ($indicies as $index){
		if ($index["unique"]){
			nuRunQuery("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX {$index["name"]} ON {$tab} ({$index["col"]})");
			nuRunQuery("CREATE INDEX {$index["name"]} ON {$tab} ({$index["col"]})");

		echo "&#91;&#93;";//progress indicator

	// set the table's character set and collation
	nuRunQuery("ALTER TABLE {$tab} DEFAULT CHARACTER SET {$target_charset} COLLATE {$target_collate}");
	echo "<br><br>\n";


// change the database's character set and collation
nuRunQuery("ALTER DATABASE {$db} DEFAULT CHARACTER SET {$target_charset} COLLATE {$target_collate}");

regards Steve.
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