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Best Way to migrate nuBuilder to new webserver

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Best Way to migrate nuBuilder to new webserver

Unread post by icoso »

I need to migrate my current nuBuilder installation to a different web server. What is the best way to do this?

I was going to:
1. Export my MySQL database (all tables and data) to an SQL files and export all data.
2. Create the database on my new provider and import the sql file.
3. Copy my entire database folder from my original server, and upload it into the same folder on the new server.
4. Modify the nuconfig file for the new server details.

What am I missing or is there anything else I should do instead of or in addition to the above?

Since my current and new web server already has phpMyAdmin installed as part of the Control Panel, Can I delete or eliminate the phpMyAdmin that comes with nuBuilder? IF yes, what files/folders do I need to remove from the nuBuilder install to do this? Is there any config file changes or any other file changes that I need to make to eliminate the phpMyAdmin from nuBuilder?
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Re: Best Way to migrate nuBuilder to new webserver

Unread post by kev1n »

I would also proceed in this way. You can delete the folder core\libs\nudb\ to get rid of phpMyAdmin.
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Re: Best Way to migrate nuBuilder to new webserver

Unread post by icoso »


At the end of the SQL file export are several lines like this:

CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`dbkrist_ktdbuser`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `zzzzsys_object_list` AS select `information_schema`.`tables`.`TABLE_NAME` AS `zzzzsys_object_list_id` from `information_schema`.`tables` where `information_schema`.`tables`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = database()

When I try to import this SQL export into my database I'm getting the following error:

MySQL said: Documentation
#1227 - Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation

I am logged into my CPanel account as the "root" user. Im working with my host (which actually hosts both servers) to try to figure this out, but not getting anywhere. Any ideas that might cause this error?
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Re: Best Way to migrate nuBuilder to new webserver

Unread post by kev1n »


Code: Select all

CREATE  VIEW `zzzzsys_object_list` AS select `information_schema`.`tables`.`TABLE_NAME` AS `zzzzsys_object_list_id` from `information_schema`.`tables` where `information_schema`.`tables`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = database()
... or alternatively rename the sql dump file to nubuilder4.sql, place it into nuBuilder's root directory and nuBuilder will import the file automatically the first the you log in.
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Re: Best Way to migrate nuBuilder to new webserver

Unread post by icoso »

Thank you. My hosting support was able to import the original using the original SQL file from an SSH login. I'll keep this for future reference.
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