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nucofig settings for SSL .pem certificate

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 6:00 pm
by MrMatt
Hello, new to nubuilder and really hoping to use it to build some applications. I'm stuck on how to include my ssl cert settings.

Normally my MySQL config settings would look like this (connection variables predefined in the config):

$connect = mysqli_init();
mysqli_ssl_set($connect,NULL,NULL, "/etc/ssl/certs/Baltimore_CyberTrust_Root.pem", NULL, NULL);
mysqli_real_connect($connect, $dbhost, $dbusername, $dbpassword, null, 3306, MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL);

mysqli_select_db($connect,$dbname) or die ("Database connection failed, please cont your server admin.");

Does anyone know how I would apply those settings in the nuconfig.php file?
(Debian 18.04, PHP 7.2x, MySQL

Without it I get: "Connection failed: SQLSTATE[HY000] [9002] SSL connection is required. Please specify SSL options and retry."

Thanks in advance!

Re: nucofig settings for SSL .pem certificate

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 6:19 pm
by kev1n

You can set custom options for the DB connection:


nuBuilder uses PDO, not mysqli.

This might help: ... -client-ce