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[New] Setup Settings

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Site Admin
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Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:23 am
nuBuilder Version: 4.5
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[New] Setup Settings

Unread post by admin »

Most configuration settings from nuconfig.php have been moved to a nuBuilder form under Setup -> Settings.

setup_settings.png (47.42 KiB) Viewed 352 times
Existing setting from nuconfig.php can be imported.

Existing nuBuilder users:
  • Update nuBuilder (Database -> Update). Be sure to backup your database before doing this update.
  • Restart the Browser
  • Log in to nuBuilder, open Setup -> Settings
  • Click "Import" to import settings from nuconfig.php
  • Once imported, you can remove the configuration settings from nuconfig.php which should only contain the variables as shown below.
  • It's important to set $nuConfigSettingsFromDB = true; in nuconfig.php

Code: Select all

// Database Settings:

	$nuConfigDBHost						= "";				//-- Database Host / IP. You may try localhost if does not work.
	$nuConfigDBName						= "nubuilder4";				//-- Database Name. You can change the name, if desired. The database must exist or must be created on your server.

	$nuConfigDBUser						= "root";					//-- Database User.  It is strongly recommended to use a different user than root The user must exist or must be created.
	$nuConfigDBPassword					= "";						//-- Database Password. We strongly recommend you to use any strong password.
																	//-- The default username for a new MySQL installation is root, with a blank password.

	$nuConfigDBEngine					= "InnoDB";					//-- InnoDB or MyISAM
	$nuConfigDBCollate					= "utf8mb4_unicode_ci";		//-- Or utf8_general_ci etc.
	$nuConfigDBCharacterSet				= "utf8mb4";				//-- Or utf8 etc.
	$nuConfigDBOptions					= array();					//-- PDO Options: E.g. array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true);

// Administrator Login:

	$nuConfigDBGlobeadminUsername	 	= "globeadmin";				//-- Administrator username. You can choose any username you like.
	$nuConfigDBGlobeadminPassword		= "nu";						//-- Administrator password. Please choose a stronger password!

// Includes:

	$nuConfigIncludeJS					= '';						//-- Include one or more JavaScript File(s).  E.g. 'myjslib.js' or ['myjslib1.js','myjslib2.js']
	$nuConfigIncludeCSS					= '';						//-- Include one or more CSS File(s). E.g. 'mystyles.css' or ['mystyles1.css','mystyles2.css']
	$nuConfigIncludePHP					= '';						//-- Include one or more PHP File(s). E.g. '../libs/myphplib.php' or ['../libs/myphplib1.php','../libs/myphplib2.php']

// Settings

	$nuConfigSettingsFromDB				= true;						//-- Use settings from setup->settings if set to true (default)
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