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After installation can not start up.

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After installation can not start up.

Unread post by nicari »

I have previously, a few years ago, developed a nubuilder database frontend, which worked fine and gave me no problems. Now I am trying it again, on the same database, but I can not get it working

The database development has started some 20+ years ago and for historical reasons contains both InnoDB (more recent tables) and also MyISAM (older tables). There are 100+ tables in the database.

This is the URL and the result message that I always get:

Connection to the nuBuilder database failed: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1698] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'
Verify and update the settings in nuconfig.php
Restart your browser after modifying nuconfig.php in order for changes to be reflecte

I used the user ‘root’ with password and without password.
And I also tried other names of users registered with the database and their passwords.
If I try to load a simple php test file, there is no problem.

Here follows the content of the nuconfig.php file:

$nuConfigDBHost = "";(also tried localhost)
$nuConfigDBName = "newric";
$nuConfigDBUser = "root";
$nuConfigDBPassword = "";
$nuConfigDBEngine = "InnoDB"; //-- InnoDB or MyISAM

// Administrator Login:
$nuConfigDBGlobeadminUsername = "globeadmin"; $nuConfigDBGlobeadminPassword = "nu";
// Settings
$nuConfigSettingsFromDB = true;
//-- Use settings from setup->settings if set to true (default)

I have also tried other users fith all privileges and registered with the database.

The database table files are now set to
owner = root and group = mysql
Operating system is SUSE Linux version 15.4. fully updated.

Is the presence of both InnoDB and MyISAM tables the reason for the problem?
Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' – why is there this access denied?
Any suggestions of help would be thankfully appreciated.
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Re: After installation can not start up.

Unread post by kev1n »

Hi Egbert,

This error message indicates that the user "root" is unable to access the database on "localhost" due to incorrect authentication details.

1. Make sure that the "root" user has the necessary privileges to access the database. You can grant the necessary privileges using the following command in the MySQL shell.

Code: Select all

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON . TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
2. Also try connecting to the db from the command line.

You can connect to a MySQL database from the Linux command line using the MySQL client program, which is included in most Linux distributions. To connect to a database, use the following syntax:

Code: Select all

mysql -u username -p database_name
Replace "username" with the MySQL username you want to use for the connection, and replace "database_name" with the name of the database you want to connect to. When you run the command, you will be prompted for the password associated with the username.

If the connection is successful, you will be logged into the MySQL shell, where you can run SQL commands to interact with the database. For example, you can use the following command to list the tables in the connected database:

Code: Select all

You can also specify the host and port of the MySQL server if it's not running on the same machine. The syntax would be:

Code: Select all

mysql -u username -p -h hostname -P port database_name

Replace "hostname" with the hostname or IP address of the MySQL server, and replace "port" with the port number on which the MySQL service is running. The default port for MySQL is 3306.

3. If the issue still persists, there may be other factors causing the problem, such as firewall restrictions or incorrect configuration of the MySQL service.

4. Also, to rule out that the issue is not with nuBuilder/nuBuilder's configuration, unpack and save the attached test_connect.zip and copy it to nuBuilder's root directory. Then open the URL in your browser (In your case ) and you should either see ""Connected to the database!"" or an error message.

5. Here you can find further troubleshooting information:

https://www.databasestar.com/access-den ... localhost/

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/416 ... tlocalhost
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nuBuilder Team
Posts: 3917
Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:43 pm
nuBuilder Version: 4.5
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Re: After installation can not start up.

Unread post by kev1n »

Hi Egbert,

Could you please let me know if my answer helped and if you were able to get it to work? I would greatly appreciate any feedback you can provide. Thank you!
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