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[Added] Object Access Condition

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[Added] Object Access Condition

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New Feature Announcement: Object Access Management with SQL Queries

There is a new feature that allows you to manage object access by applying an access condition using an SQL query.
This feature provides greater flexibility and control over the visibility and editability of objects based on specified conditions.

object_access_condition.jpg (101.28 KiB) Viewed 3164 times

The SQL query is required to yield one of the following values:

0. Editable/Visible
1. Readonly
2. Hidden
3. Hidden (User)
4. Hidden (User) + Readonly

You can also utilise hash variables in these queries to dynamically evaluate conditions.

Example Conditions:

1. Hide a Button for 'Guest' Users:

Code: Select all

SELECT IF('#ACCESS_LEVEL_CODE#' = 'Guest', 2, 0)
If the Access Level Code equals "Guest," the object will be hidden (= 2); otherwise, it will be shown (= 0).

2. Show the Object for New Records:

Code: Select all

SELECT IF('#NEW_RECORD#' = '1', 0, 1)
If it is a new record, the object will be shown (= 0); otherwise, it will be readonly (= 1).

3. Show the Object if 'cust_name' is Blank:

Code: Select all

SELECT IF('#cust_name#' = '', 0, 2)
If the 'cust_name' field is blank, the object will be shown (= 0) ; otherwise, it will be hidden (= 2).

This new feature empowers you to customise object access based on your specific requirements, giving you more control and flexibility.
If you have any questions or need assistance with implementing these SQL conditions, please feel free to ask in our community forum. We're here to help!
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