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Advanced Search To Upgrade The Search Screen.

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Joined: Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:42 pm

Advanced Search To Upgrade The Search Screen.

Unread post by cypherinfo »

Hello, premising I'm an adddict of nuBuilder, I would like to see the evolution of your search screen in something more... advanced like you may see here: http://www.mysqlajaxtableeditor.com/Example1.php

May be I miss something; I would like to see a small improvement in the search screen; I mean the: [number of current page]/[number of total pages].

What about?

Thank you.

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Re: Advanced Search To Upgrade The Search Screen.

Unread post by steven »


The reason nuBuilder does not show the total number of pages is because of the speed it may take to do a count(*) on the browse screen's query (in earlier versions we tried this).
Screens like the one in your example are fine for queries that only have a few records but we have customers that need to display over 100,000 records.
And any business that uses an application like nuBuilder will want it to run as fast as it can.
The search facility at the top of the browse screen will generally allow a result to easily be refined to just the first page.
There are a number of applications (like your example) that would not cope with enterprise level business requirements, but nuBuilder does, as we exclusively use it for our (nuSoftware's) customers day in day out.

By the way, I welcome all you questions because it gives me the chance to explain the reasons we have done certain things and the amount of thought that has gone into nuBuilder.

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