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nuBuilder on Wamp or Windows Installer

Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:15 am

nuBuilder on Wamp or Windows Installer

Unread post by clicker »

Hi, I tried to install nuBuilder 11.03.22 on Wamp with php 5.25, 5.29.2 or 5.30. It crashes after I login as "globeadmin". I followed every step of nuBuilder_Install.pdf, it's still not working.

Then I tried the Windows installer : nubuilder-11.03.22.exe, it seems I can login with globeadmin, but all I got is blank screen after login.

Has anyone succeeded to install on windows?
Posts: 38
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:00 am

Re: nuBuilder on Wamp or Windows Installer

Unread post by pickle_jimmy »

Installing nuBuilder under windows should be as easy as downloading the latest windows installer and running it; but there are a few traps for new users.

1) First of all, TURN OFF POP-UP BLOCKING. nuBuilder currently relies on pop-ups and if you are seeing a blank page after logging on, this is most likely the cause.

2) See point one. Yes, this is the biggest cause of nuBuilder not working.

Now, if you want to use a different version of PHP or MYSQL or APACHE, and you are pretty familiar with WAMP setups, nuBuilder is also relatively simple to get up and running "by hand".

I am currently running WAMPSERVER (from http://www.wampserver.com). I recomment the 32bit version even on a 64bit system (I have tried both, and the 64bit version caused more problems than I wanted to face). It contains Apache 2.2.17, Php 5.3.3, Mysql 5.5.8, and PhpMyadmin

I downloaded the windows ZIP version of nuBuilder and copied its contents into the c:\wamp\www directory. The 3 x SQL files (nuvideo.sql, sample.sql, and sampledebtors.sql) I uploaded into mysql using PHPMyAdmin. Then it is just a matter of adding a username/password in PHPMyAdmin for the 3 databases, and making sure you put the same username/password combo into the config.php in the /db directories.

Oh, and one more thing - TURN OFF POP-UP BLOCKING :-)

Hope this helps.

Pickle Jimmy

If the above description is too brief, and you (or anyone) would like a click by click description of the process, let me know. Sometimes it's nice to be treated like a four year old.
Posts: 25
Joined: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:08 am

Re: nuBuilder on Wamp or Windows Installer

Unread post by FBC-Tim »

You need to make sure popup blockers are off.
Try using IE (or another browser) and see if you get a different result.
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Re: nuBuilder on Wamp or Windows Installer

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