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Newbie error on WampServer

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Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:43 pm

Newbie error on WampServer

Unread post by ducnbyu »


New to php as well. I was attempting to install NuBuilder on WampServer and receiving the error on all pages:

"Notice: Undefined index: small in C:\wamp\www\db\sample\index.php on line 79"

the location and form name change a bit from page to page.

happens on nuvideo as well.

I followed the instructions to the best of my ability including uninstalling wampserver and reinstalling to start clean. I noticed another thead where some one got nuBuilder running on wampserver with no problem.

One thing confuses me about the instructions. the instructions say to create a database and run the sample.sql script in that database. I run the script, but the script contains "Create database sample;" Isn't that creating the database? so perhaps I missing what the first instruction saying "create a database" is trying to get me to do. I did try creating a "nubuilder" database but sample.sql just creates a database separate from that. and the errors are the same.

I'm not having a "blocked popups problems" as I'm not getting a blank page and unchecking "block popups" in the browser doesn't eliminate these errors. also the live demos on the nuBuilder site run fine. I'm running on windows XP with 32 bit wampserver.

thanks for your help in identifying what this might be or what I'm doing wrong.
Posts: 38
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:00 am

Re: Newbie error on WampServer

Unread post by pickle_jimmy »

Hi Ducnbyu

In the index.php file there is a call to an undefined GET variable "small". This isn't the end of the world, and would generally go UNnoticed, except for the level
of error reporting that some set ups come with by default.

Try changing the Error Reporting Level in the php.ini file from (this line should appear without a semicolon [;] in front of it)

error_reporting = E_ALL


error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

This will stop PHP falling over on every NOTICE (which is what seems to be your problem).


Pickle Jimmy
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