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Trouble modifying existing reports or creating new ones

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Trouble modifying existing reports or creating new ones

Unread post by kawise »

I've been using the nuBuilder sample application and have been trying to alter the tax invoice report form in the activity section. I can load the report design form ok and make changes on the report form and then I press the "copy changes" button at the top of the form and then "save" on the underlying screen.

When I try to go back to load the design form, either none of the changes I've added are there - or everything on the screen has disappeared except for a date in the top left of the screen (something like <!08-29=2011>).

The same thing happens when I try to create a design report form from scratch - after any changes and saves, all that appears is the date at the top left of the screen.

I've tried every save sequence sequence I can think of - with existing forms and new forms - and I'm always getting the same result.

Any suggestions on what I may be missing?
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Re: Trouble modifying existing reports or creating new ones

Unread post by admin »


I'm not sure, can you build a report with just 1 field?

What type of nuBuilder install have you done?

Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:51 am

Re: Trouble modifying existing reports or creating new ones

Unread post by moshe »

any news about this issue ?
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