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Instructions to move NumBuilder app to hosting domain

Posts: 148
Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:56 am

Instructions to move NumBuilder app to hosting domain

Unread post by JohnKlassen »


I have started develping a NuBuilder applicaton on my laptop using the local MySQL, Apache, and phpMyAdmin that comes with the NuBuilder development tools. Before getting too far with the application development, I would like to make sure that the application works on my domain. I have a web hosting domain with GoDaddy. Since I am somewhat new to this process, I am wondering whether you have detailed instructons on the process. I have looked at most of the topics in the Install forum that refer to web hosting but they seem to address specific problems rather than describe the process in detail. One of the early topics makes reference to an install guide with a link but the link is broken.

I have been able to export the NuBuilder application with my tables and import them to MYSQL on my domain. GoDaddy support can help with how to FTP the files to the domain. I am creating a directory on my domain called 'www'. I assume that I copy everything from WebRoot to that directory. I also assume that I will have to make changes to config.php and index.php for that db.

I just need more detail rather than trying to piece together information from various topics. I appreciate any help you can give me.
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Re: Instructions to move NuBuilder app to hosting domain

Unread post by JohnKlassen »

I just realized that I misspelled NuBuilder in the topic. Sorry about that.

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Re: Instructions to move NumBuilder app to hosting domain

Unread post by pickle_jimmy »

Hi John,

I'll try to keep this fairly generic, as I am not exactly sure of the setup with GoDaddy - many providers use CPanel, but I couldn't find reference to that on GoDaddy (only had a cursory look).

So, nuBuilder relies on the database, which you can export with PHPMyAdmin on your current system, and Import with PHPMyAdmin on GoDaddy.

When you create the database on GoDaddy (gd) you will have given it a name, and you will have set up a user to access it (username/password)

These are the pieces of info you need to change (database name, username and password) in the config.php file.

Now, copy (ftp) the contents of your local wwwroot directory to the root directory on gd. (most importantly, the productionnu2 directory with its contents, and the db directory)

Then http://domain.com/db/sitename should get you there.

If you need specifics, let me know


Pickle Jimmy
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Re: Instructions to move NumBuilder app to hosting domain

Unread post by JohnKlassen »


I had hoped I would not require more information but that is not the case. I am making some progress. I contacted GoDaddy and they say they do not prefix the database name with a user id. They did tell me that I needed to choose an option called, "Allow direct access" when I create the database which I did do. I recreated the database, NuBuilderApp, and did another import from my laptop. I had already used ftp to copy the db directory and the productionnu2 directory to the GoDaddy web site. When I enter the URL, I get to a login screen showing the Site Name of NuBuilderApp with the user name and password for globaladmin. When I click on Login, I get a blank screen. Yes, I have pop-up blockers turned off.

Here are some details.

The URL that I am using is: http://<domain name>/www/db/NuBuilderApp/

The config.php file in the db/NuBuilderApp directory has the following:

$DBHost = "<domain name";
$DBName = "NuBuilderApp";
$DBUser = "NuBuilderApp";
$DBPassword = "<password>";
$DBGlobeadminPassword = "nu";

The index.php file has the following:

$dbfolder = "NuBuilderApp";
$nameText = "NuBuilderApp";
$build = "productionnu2";

Any suggestions?

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Location: Milan, Italy

Re: Instructions to move NumBuilder app to hosting domain

Unread post by massiws »


maybe you missed something.
If you are on a Linux server here you can get some informations: http://wiki.nubuilder.com/tiki-index.ph ... uilderDocs
JohnKlassen wrote: The URL that I am using is: http://<domain name>/www/db/NuBuilderApp/
The URL to access nuBuilder should be:
  • http://<domain name>/ if you have a index.php file in your webRoot (with a redirect to index.php in db folder);
  • http://<domain name>/db/NuBuilderApp/ if you want to access directly to db/dbName/index.php;

In any case, without www in URL (unless you put nuBuilder in a subdomain (or sub-directory) called www).
JohnKlassen wrote:The config.php file in the db/NuBuilderApp directory has the following:

$DBHost = "<domain name";
Have a look on $DBHost value: usually it's "localhost" (never the domain name) or something like "mysql.godaddy.com" (you can see it in control panel, and on right sidebar in phpmyadmin).

Hope it helps.
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Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:56 am

Re: Instructions to move NumBuilder app to hosting domain

Unread post by JohnKlassen »


I appreciate your help. Unfortunately I still do not have it working.

The reason I have 'www' in the URL is because I created a sub directory called 'www' where I copied the db and productionnu2 directories. If I remove the 'www' from the URL, it takes me to the Wordpress database whoch is also installed on this domain.

I was having problems trying to determine the $DBHost name for MySQL on GoDaddy until I finally compared phpMyAdmin on my laptop and the one on GoDaddy. My laptop refers to it as 'localhost'. GoDaddy refers to it as an <IP address>. I changed it in the config.php in the NuBuilderApp directory to the IP address.

I noticed in phpMyAdmin on the GoDaddy website that the user name is defined as 'NuBuilderApp@<IP address>'. The IP address is different than for $DBHost. Changing it to that user name in config.php did not help.

GoDaddy does use a Linux server and I did read the install instruction in the link you gave me but I did not not see anything to change that I have not already changed.

What I find confusing is that when I use this URL, http://<domain name>/www/db/NuBuilderApp/, it does take me to the NuBuilder login screen and it does say that the site name is 'NuBuilderApp' with a username of 'globeadmin'. This suggests to me that I am in the right place. It is only when I click on the login button, that I get the blank screen. By the way, the blank screen has a URL of http://<domain name>/www/productionnu2/formlogin.php?x=1&d=db/NuBuilderApp.

Does that help?


Posts: 503
Joined: Thu May 24, 2012 2:08 am
Location: Milan, Italy

Re: Instructions to move NumBuilder app to hosting domain

Unread post by massiws »


look this image:
phpmyadmin.png (52.14 KiB) Viewed 13866 times
In phpmyadmin on your server you can read the correct values to insert in config.php.

The first 4 lines in www/db/NuBuilderApp/index.php say nuBuilder the db folder (where is config.php), the work folder (productionnu2) and the site name ($nameText = 'xxx'); this xxx is what you see on login screen.

I suggest to check:
- have you modify some files in productionnu2 folder or www/db/NuBuilderApp/index.php file? If so, try to upload again the folder with FTP or check if there are some syntax errors;
- are you sure to insert the correct password for globeadmin on login (pay attention: you must insert it in $DBGlobeadminPassword variable in config.php)?
- php settings: check in phpinfo if nuBuilder minimal settings are respected (see http://forums.nubuilder.cloud/viewtopic.p ... 115#p11110);
- if you haven't access to php.ini on your server you can create a file php.ini in productionnu2 folder with the parameter you want to set (or, another way, insert the same directives in htaccess);
- have you an htaccess file on your server (root or www/ subfolders)? If so, look inside to see if there are some limitations;

Let me know if you solve.
Posts: 148
Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:56 am

Re: Instructions to move NumBuilder app to hosting domain

Unread post by JohnKlassen »


Thanks for the suggestions.

GoDaddy uses Starfield Technolgies for phpMyAdmin. Their screen layout is different than the phpMyAdmin that is bundled with NuBuilder. Despite this, I can tell that the value for $DBHost is an 'IP address'. The value for $DBUser is 'NuBuilderApp@<ip address>'.

The first 4 lines of index.php in www/db/NuBuilderApp is as follows:
$dbfolder = "NuBuilderApp";
$nameText = "NuBuilderApp";
$build = "productionnu2";

After reading your other suggestions, I am realizing that the main problem is that WordPress is also on this domain. As you can see from the attached screenshot, the root directory has its own index.php, php.ini and .htcaccess. Both index.php and .htcaccess in the root directory refer only to WordPress. Since I have the db directory and the productionnu2 directory under the /www directory, does that mean that the reference to WordPress in the root directory is ignored by NuBuilder?

You suggested that I create a php.ini in the /www directory. Do I only put in the parameters that you reference in your link above to another post of mine? Would this php.ini override the one in the root directory?


Screenshot of some  files in root directory on GoDaddy
Screenshot of some files in root directory on GoDaddy
Files in root directory in GoDaddy.jpg (82.63 KiB) Viewed 13861 times
Posts: 148
Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:56 am

Re: Instructions to move NumBuilder app to hosting domain

Unread post by JohnKlassen »

I have access to another domain that does NOT have WordPress installed. As soon as I have installed Build 550 and rebuilt my project from scratch, I will attempt to move it to this other hosting site. This hosting site is also managed by GoDaddy.

I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Posts: 148
Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:56 am

Re: Instructions to move NumBuilder app to hosting domain

Unread post by JohnKlassen »


I have successfully loaded my nuBuilder application into a different GoDaddy web site. When I have time, I will try to get it working on the original website which has WordPress installed on it.

I would like to summarize what I did to move the application to the web site. (I am using Build 554)

- logged into GoDaddy web site and created a database (test_db)
- launched phpMyAdmin for that database on GoDaddy to get the IP address of the host
- used the 'export' tab for the nuBuilder application on my laptop to create a backup of the entire nuBuilder application that I had created (used all defaults)
- on hosting site and in phpMyAdmin, used the 'import' tab and pointed it to the backup on my laptop to load the entire application (used all defaults)
- made a copy of the sample directory under the db directory and gave it the name of the database on the hosting site (test_db)

- modified config.php in this directory as follows:
$DBHost = "<IP address from above>";
$DBName = "test_db";
$DBUser = "test_db";
$DBPassword = "<password>";
$DBGlobeadminPassword = "nu";

- modified index.php in this directory as follows:
$dbfolder = "test_db";
$nameText = "test_db";
$build = "productionnu2";

- using ftp, I copied the db directory and the productionnu2 directory to the root directory of the hosting site
- using Internet Explorer, I entered the following URL: http://<domain name>/db/test_db
- I logged in as globeadmin and saw the application I had created on my laptop

Hopefully these instructions will help other newbies.
