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Open new edit form with fields pre-populated

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:30 pm
by parkerjnc
I understand there is a JavaScript function (OpenForm(pFormID, pRecordID)) which you can pass "-1" for the pRecordID to open the edit form for a new record. I would like to be able to pre-populate some of the fields on the form. For instance, if you have an "Account" form which has an "Account ID" field and a button for initiating a "Job Request" that would cause a new edit form to open for a job request with the "Account ID" already populated to associate the Job Request to the Account. Any ideas?

Nevermind, finally found a very nice answer from FBC-TIm in this post:

Re: Open new edit form with fields pre-populated

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 5:29 am
by admin