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Login attempt produces blank webpage

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:20 am
by georgec
Sorry, I have attempted to search and read to make it through the install but am missing something; I looked at the Pickle posts too.

I'm new to Nubuilder. I am trying to get installed on OS X with MAMP and have read through the posts here but can't seem to get logged in to the samplenufinancial page.

My MAMP is using port apache 8888 and MySQL 8889

I have taken the following steps.
- Downloaded the Linux/Unix Tgz and unzipped to my htdocs folder in MAMP to a folder called nubuilder. http://localhost:8888/nubuilder/db/samplenufinancial/

- I viewed the first 4 lines in the .sql files sample and samplenufinancial to verify the username and password for login.
- I made sure that there wasn't usernames and the sample and samplenufinancial table in MAMP from prior attempts at install.
- Imported the two sql statements by using phpMyAdmin and saw the successful message after both imports.
- verified that the config.php in sample and samplenufinancial username and password matched the ones in the sql files just imported.

Next I go to localhost:8888/nubuilder/ and I can see the index page. I click on the link for 'Sample nuFinancial' and at the login page, I try and enter:

U: nufinancial U: samplepass
or U: globeadmin P: 123

either attempt takes me to a blank white screen.

Thanks for your help.

Re: Login attempt produces blank webpage

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:40 am
by admin

Does phpmyadmin work?
