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Manage subform columns

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Manage subform columns

Unread post by ZachS »

I've started a small nuBuilder project, and am having problems with the formatting of a grid-type subform. I cannot find where to change the column width or text formatting, as my columns are much wider than they need to be, and numbers are not being formatted properly. I have tried changing the settings for the subform through its Forms menu, but those settings only apply to the browser list.

How can I change the column width and text formatting for a grid subform?
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Re: Manage subform columns

Unread post by admin »

ZachS ,

I don't understand your question

"How can I change the column width and text formatting for a grid subform?"

Subforms don't have a COLUMN width and formatting is done to Objects not to a subform.

You need to add Objects to the subform just as if it were a Form.

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Re: Manage subform columns

Unread post by ZachS »

I have this form that I am using for the subform, where the VLAN field has its display set to have no decimals.
When I create a subform using that form, the VLAN is displayed with decimals, and the other fields are much larger than they need to be. I have the same problem with other subforms, as you can see in the hardware subform above the addresses subform.
Is there any way I can change how this subform displays?
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Re: Manage subform columns

Unread post by admin »


Have you watched any tutorials or read the wiki?

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